Social Services Outreach Worker

The Social Services Outreach Worker is available to help all residents of the community.
You do not have to be a Library member to get help from the Social Services Outreach Worker.

Visiting the Social Services Outreach Worker

The Outreach Worker is generally available from Monday to Friday.
The office is located on the first floor of the Main Branch.
Drop-in hours are 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Monday to Friday. The last appointment slot is 11:15 a.m.

Services Offered

  • Community resources - help with finding, food, clothing, showers, mental health resources, substance abuse resources
  • Computers - help with using email, housing searches, virtual court, job searches
  • Completing applications - help with applying for government ID, health care, Service Canada, employment
  • Care kits - PPE supplies, hygiene items, clothes
  • Telephone support
  • System navigation and a safe space to talk

Weekly Community-Based Programs

Programs are held at the Main Branch throughout the week to help individuals access the resources they need. 
You do not need to be a Library member to attend these programs.
The Social Services Outreach Worker and other community support partners are available at the following programs:

Community Connections  - Join us for a weekly adult drop-in program designed to link people to community resources and provide a helping hand. Community organizations will attend when available. There will be coffee, snacks, and conversation.

See our events calendar for dates and times.